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By Email :

Payment Method :

Bank Maybank
Account Number : 107303050010
Name : Yong Poh Choo

Account Number : 7021152130
Name : Yong Poh Choo

Ordering :

Q) How do I place order?
A) Customers may place order through email only, which is myfavorbaby@yahoo.com ,Phone call or SMS ordering is not considered as the medium for any kind of business trading.

Q) Will I receive an email confirmation for my order?
A) Normally we will automatically place order right after receive payment. Customers are advised to drop us an email after payment done. Please review your order details carefully and contact our customer service immediately if you wish to make any changes. Once your order has been processed and is ready to be shipped from our facility.

Q) What is the currency for all prices?
A) All prices listed in My Favor Baby are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia.
* Note that price EXCLUDE shipping charges.

Q) Do products come pre-assembled?
A) Many of our products come with packaging options included with a minimal labor service charge. However, unless specified, products do not come pre-assembled. Please read the product description provided on the product page for details.

Q) Do you shipped internationally?
A) My Favor Box welcomes international orders. Kindly contact us for further details.

Q) What is your policy regarding duties, taxes and brokerage fees?
A) For orders shipped to destinations outside of Malaysia, My Favor Baby is not responsible for any duties, taxes and brokerage fees associated with the shipment. Furthermore, My Favor Baby is not knowledgeable about country-specific import regulations and will not be responsible for fees/damages associated with noncompliance. We strongly encourage you to research all country-specific facts, information and regulations prior to placing an order

Shipping & Courier:

Q) What are my shipping options?
A) Courier charges are based on weight or volumetric of the products ordered. Kindly contact us myfavorbaby@yahoo.com to determine the courier/shipping cost.

Q) How long does it take to receive my orders?
A) Upon receipt of your orders and full payment, please estimate 5-7 working days for delivery time. For custom made and personalized items which are made to order, longer time are needed and we would like to advice that you place such order items at least 3 to 4 weeks in advance.

Q) How do I check on the status of my order?
A) You may :
i) email us at myfavorbaby@yahoo.com

to check on the status of your order. Kindly include your name and order number in the email. We will respond to the email inquiries at the soonest possible time.

My Favor Baby is not responsible for missing packages and damaged products resulting from errors made by the shipping carrier and no refund will be made from our side. However we will be happy to assist you in filing a claim with the appropriate party. Please keep all products in their original packaging until the claim is settled.

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